
Jan Kuijpers (poultry farmer in the Netherlands)

Kuijpers Kip has been doing business with Stienen BE for more than 25 years. Stienen has been the sparring partner for our new henhouse from the beginning and the results are very good. A collaboration between Kuijpers Kip, Stienen and Inno-Plus has enabled us to develop a chicken house that is highly energy efficient and has very low emissions. It is also Stienen equipment that conditions the air before it reaches the chicks. Stienen is willing to look at things from our perspective and to provide bespoke solutions where necessary. Their computers are easy to use and the large touch screen immediately gives us a good view of what is going on in the animal house. FarmConnect is ideal as well. It enables us to monitor our poultry houses from any location and to immediately see what the problem is if there are any malfunctions.

Sven van Genugten (Genugten Agri, partner in the Netherlands)

Stienen is our regular ventilation technology partner on projects for our customers. Our customers are very satisfied with the reliability, the product quality and the ease of use of the equipment. This was the reason for us to fit out the entire climate control and alarm system for a number of recent major projects in China (8,000 sows) and Romania (20,000 fatting pigs) with Stienen equipment.

Richard Kerkers (Kelgro, partner in the Netherlands)

We have been working with Stienen BV for years and our experience of working with them is good. This is both because of the range of items they supply and because of how our Purchasing Department communicates with the Stienen BV Sales Department. Since lines are short, we usually have the same two or three contacts and all items ordered (if on stock) are delivered as agreed. Urgent deliveries or picking up goods is also possible. If there are any complaints or problems, they are handled correctly by the Stienen employees. Briefly put: we look forward to continuing this pleasant collaboration in 2021 as well!

Jolien Driessens (broiler farmer in Belgium)

We are very satisfied with the Stienen products in our poultry houses, such as the Stienen inlets, the PL9500 poultry computer, and the Stienen computer/fuse box. They are transparently arranged and very easy to use. Another major advantage to us is that the Stienen company is located quite close to us. If we have any questions or problems, they are always quickly ready to help us and they are very customer-friendly.

Marcel van den Elsen (pig farmer in the Netherlands)

We've known Stienen for many years; the generation before us also had Stienen control cabinets. The good relationship and good price-quality ratio is always a reason for us to be satisfied. If there is a problem, a solution is always provided quickly.? Because our farms are growing and we have to employ external staff, it is important that the system works well and is easy to operate. We are always quite pleased with this aspect where Stienen equipment is concerned. For example, in our new piglet house, we have combined the air scrubber with a Stienen heat exchanger to be able to use the heat. We clearly saw the effect last winter. Where it was around the freezing point outside, the temperature above the ceiling in the rooms with the smallest piglets was 13.5 degrees Celsius. This meant that we only needed floor heating to get the room to the right temperature and we only needed the heating system running at low capacity, saving us a lot of energy!

Kuzbasskiy broiler LLC (Novokuznetsk, Russia)

Our company has been using Stienen control equipment for climate control for growing broilers and breeders for many years. The Stienen controllers have proven to be very reliable in practice throughout this time. The control software is clearly and logically designed, and helps us to quickly train new employees. We are very satisfied with the cooperation we have with Stienen.
