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The information provided by this website is based on sources that may be considered reliable, but we cannot guarantee their accuracy, integrity or quality. The main objective of the information is therefore to provide an overview of our services. The team behind this site may change the information at any time and without prior notice if this is found to be necessary.


You are ultimately responsible for what information you view and use. The information on our website may only be used by yourself and not be transferred, copied, modified or otherwise distributed. Notwithstanding this disclaimer, we are not responsible for any third-party files that are recognizably linked to our webpages. Furthermore, our including such links does not constitute any endorsement of such files. You are not free to copy the content of this website at will; all copyrights, including those referred to in section15 of the Dutch Copyright Act (Auteurswet) are reserved. Dutch law applies.

+31 (0)495 - 63 29 26 Línea directa de servicio - 24/7 disponible +31 (0)495 - 63 29 26 Días laborables de 9:00 a 17:00 info@stienen.com Responderemos dentro de las 24 horas durante los días de oficina.